New penitentiary facility inaugurated in Kumanovo
Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski attended Monday the inauguration of a new facility of the Kumanovo Prison in the village of K'sanje covering an area of 5.000 square meters with a capacity for 250 inmates. The investment for the construction of its premises totals to 234 million denars.
Speaking at the inauguration, PM Gruevski said the investment was part of the government's major project for construction and refurbishment of penal institutions across the country amounting to 52 million euros.
The Kumanovo Prison is a modern penitentiary, constructed and overhauled in two stages starting from 2008, stated Gruevski.
Minister of Justice Blerim Bexheti noted that all reforms were aimed at extending capacities and improving prison conditions as well as the process of resocialization of inmates and staff capacity building in correctional facilities.
"The construction of Kumanovo Prison is part of the activities envisaged by the project on reconstructing penal correctional institutions in Macedonia. This vital project is supported by finances provided by the Council of Europe Development Bank and the Macedonian government," he added.
The project consists of refurbishment and new construction works at four institutions - Idrizovo Penal Correctional Facility, Skopje Prison, Kumanovo Prison and Tetovo Correctional Facility.