Promotion of monograph 'Macedonia – Millennium Cultural-Historic Facts'
'Macedonia – Millennium Cultural-Historic Facts' is a monumental encyclopaedic edition of high scientific and cultural significance that offers academically consistent picture of the development of Macedonia’s civilization from the pre-historic period until the onset of the 21 century.
"The monograph is a synthesis of everything we own. It speaks about the physical and spiritual culture of the Macedonian people," Culture Minister Elizabeta Kanceska-Milevska said Wednesday at the promotion of the book, published by 'Media Print Macedonia' (MPM) and the 'Euro-Balkan' University, under the sponsorship of the Foundation 'Ilija Kamcev'.
The initiative for this monograph, supported by the Ministry of Culture form the beginning, has become a monumental document today of the best creations of people living under Macedonian sky, as well as testimony for future generations, which exactly from this heritage should draw a feeling of belonging and identity, Kanceska-Milevska said.
"The four volumes (pre-historic, classical, medieval periods, Ottoman Era and the modern time) present the broad variety of Macedonia’s culture and its treasuries: Neolithic sculpture - The Adam of Govrlevo; Ohrid's Gold Mask; Hellenistic statue of Izida/Ohrid; impressive portrait of 'St. Kliment' in the Holy Mother of God Peribleptos Church; humanistic fresco-oratory painted in Skopje Church 'St. Pantelimon', Tetovo Painted Mosque – depict the heroes of Macedonia's revolutionary struggle and thousands of rebels, activists that set the road to the dream we are living today – an independent Republic of Macedonia," Kanceska-Milevska said.
MPM General Manager Srgjan Kerim said the monograph would have its English language edition to be available to book fans beyond Macedonia’s borders.