FM Poposki at Munich Security Conference

Foreign Minister Nikola Poposki takes part at the 50th Munich Security Conference, held January 31-February 2. Over 300 renowned decision-makers in international politics discuss current and future issues in foreign and security policy.

On the margins of the conference, Poposki met with Qatar's Foreign Minister Khalid bin Mohammad Al Attiyah and discussed about boosting bilateral relations between the countries with an emphasis to economic cooperation.

Poposki also participated at the working lunch organised by conference president Wolfgang Ischinger, former US senator Sam Nunn, former United Kingdom defence secretary Des Browne and former Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov, where draft report on Building Mutual Security in the Euro-Atlantic Region was presented.

At the conference sidelines Poposki also held informal meetings with counterparts, ministers and famous diplomats from EU member states and from the region.

Poposki also participated Saturday at the working dinner organised by Bavarian Prime Minister Horst Seehofer.