Vice Premier Stavreski opens construction, real estate fairs

The construction sector posted a 33-percent growth in 2013, with this year's budget to allocate EUR 365 million for infrastructure projects, said Vice Premier and Finance Minister Zoran Stavreski at Tuesday's opening of the 11. Fair of Construction, Building Materials and Construction Mechanization "Build & Construct" and the 3. Real Estate Exhibition "RealExpo".

"The projected funds will be used for the construction of roads, schools, sport facilities and everything that involves Macedonian construction companies and workers, as well as improved results of companies", said Stavreski.

According to him, companies from the private sector had the leading role in the construction field.

The fair, which runs through March 8, includes over 300 companies from Macedonia, the region and beyond, as well as investors.

Build & Construct offers products and services for construction, modernization, maintenance and equipping of facilities and property. Emphasis is put on new energy saving materials.

RealExpo will offer over 3,000 apartments in Skopje, Ohrid and Strumica by several domestic and a foreign company, along with the promotion of new buildings and favourable conditions for buying flats through commercial bank loans.