Ademi: Climate change high on Government's agenda

Minister of Environment and Physical Planning Abdilaqim Ademi takes part Wednesday at a meeting of EU environment ministers.

The meeting focuses on environment and climate change, but also policies of EU members and candidate-states. Furthermore, it serves as preparation for the Bonn summit in June, the largest forum on climate change in Europe.

"We support and implement all EU policies and directives related to climate change and environment. The ministry coordinates the implementation of environmental regulations in other sectors too, especially regarding energy efficiency and green policies, i.e. green markets in Macedonia", said Ademi in the meeting address.

Pertaining to the harmonization of the Macedonian legislation with EU's Chapter 27, Minister Ademi said the country is among the most advanced in this regard.

"Macedonia resumes with the implementation of the environmental policies and the ministry is in continual communication with the European delegation in Macedonia, but also other institutions, towards implementing environmental policies. As EU candidate-country, Macedonia provides its contribution by adopting the Third Report on Climate Change, while other regional states have still not taken any steps in this direction", he added.

Ademi stressed climate change requires responsibility and measures from all countries, in order to achieve the UN objective of so-called low-emission or "green" economies.

"The issue of climate change and green development is high on the Government's political agenda. An efficient and ambitious environmental policy represents an essential aspect in the modernization of economies at a local, national and regional level. We are aware of the challenges in the field, which result from our EU candidate-status, and we are committed to meeting obligations. Clean energy and climate change are the top priorities in the European sustainability agenda, and they are noted as key priorities in Macedonia's National Strategy for Sustainable Development", underlined Minister Ademi.