Macedonia investment forum in Liverpool
Government delegation led by Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski presented Macedonia's doing business opportunities at an investment forum within the Global Economic Forum 2014 in Liverpool.
At the forum organized in cooperation with "The Financial Times", PM Gruevski emphasized the tax package as Macedonia's strongest competitive advantage.
Gruevski said investors in technological-industrial development zones were exempted from personal and profit taxes for a period of 10 years, as well as from paying fees to municipalities for setup of the land and building permits, whereas the land is allocated under a long-term lease for 99 years.
Vice Premier and Finance Minister Zoran Stavreski presented Macedonia's basic macroeconomic indicators, such as the foreign exchange rate stability, low inflation and rise in exports to EU member-states.
He referred to reforms for business facilitation, such as the regulatory guillotine, e-tax and customs duty systems, as well as e-real estate cadastre covering 99 percent of the country's territory.
Directorate for Technological Industrial Development Zones CEO Viktor Mizo said Macedonia offered benefits to foreign investors in industrial zones, resulting in the arrival of a number of multinational companies, such as Johnson Matthey, Johnson Controls, Kemet Electronics, Kromberg&Schubert, Draxlmeier, Van Hool etc.