Experts from Switzerland in domestic companies through the Government project for international experts engagement
"Camel Solar", the Macedonian solar hot water panel’s producer, will strengthen its position on the domestic and foreign markets through new models and marketing strategies suggested by the Swiss expert, Peter Gunter.
The company, which is conducting research and is developing new energy efficiency technologies and products, has been assisted and helped ten days now, by the Swiss expert through the Government of the Republic of Macedonia project for foreign experts-practitioners engagement to assist domestic companies to enhance their competitiveness, export and to create new jobs.
- I'm surprised by the Camel Solar high quality products. The company has had a deficiency of marketing, therefore, these days we are working on creating marketing strategies and tactics how to improve sales, mostly being focused on the sales in the Republic of Macedonia, said Gunter.
During his lengthy work experience, Mr. Gunter has been working in Africa, Asia and South America, but he highlighted Macedonia as really unique compared to other countries. – Here, there’s a capacity, skills and great potential for development and creating new jobs, said Gunter.
Camel Solar representative, Nadica Nikolik, emphasized they had applied for expertise in the field of marketing, due to the increased awareness of the Macedonian population for the use of the solar panels. Additionally, she said: -There is always an opportunity and space to improve in marketing, thus to strengthen Camel Solar position on the domestic and foreign markets. Camel Solar operates in Serbia, Montenegro, England, Hong Kong.
- We’ve already considered some new models and marketing strategies which are expected to bring many positive results, and in the same time, to strengthen our position on the markets. We encourage domestic companies to apply for such expertise, Nikolic said.
Swiss Ambassador to Macedonia, Stefano Lazzarotto, informed that Camel Solar is the first out of the ten companies that will receive support from the Swiss consultancy experts in the upcoming period.
- Several different companies will be supported. The succeeding supported companies will be from the textile industry, as well as food production companies. What is significant to us is to be present in companies with growth potential and potential to increase jobs. Being present in a company working in a relatively new industry, i.e. renewable energy, is of particular importance for us today. Thus, we could contribute even more to a cleaner environment, said Lazzarotto.
According to the Ambassador Lazzarotto, the goal is to improve the quality of products and processes and ultimately to provide growth of companies and to create more jobs.
-We have an excellent cooperation and excellent bilateral relations with the Macedonian government, emphasized Ambassador Lazzarotto, and added: -The economic development is one of our focuses in Macedonia and in the coming period we will support projects aimed at developing the private sector in the amount of 12,000 million Swiss francs. At the same time, Switzerland is continuing its long-standing cooperation with Macedonia in other areas in which we operate, said Swiss Ambassador to Macedonia Stefano Lazzarotto.
This project by the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, apart from the Swiss experts, also engages experts from the Netherlands and Germany.