Veles gets new theater and stadium

Veles on Thursday got a new theater building, which was officially inaugurated by Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski and Minister of Culture Elizabeta Kanceska-Milevska. It is an investment of the Government of Macedonia.

The facility is built on an area of 4,200 square meters and includes a large hall with a capacity for 370 visitors and a small stage for approximately 50 to 110 spectators. The main stage area is modular with three orchestra and eight stage platforms allowing easy, quick and safe transformation and configuration of the main stage.

The building is also equipped with devices, audiovisual systems made by world's leading manufacturers thus offering an opportunity to present theater pieces with the same quality and effects like in the most modern theaters in Europe and beyond.

The new theater building in Veles is a resumption of the successful theater tradition in this town and improvement of the standards of the theater world only this time it is in a representative theater building with state-of-the-art equipment where art and culture will be cherished.

A competition is under way to select a play set to be premiered in the new building by the end of the year.

During his visit to Veles, PM Gruevski also oversaw the reconstruction of Thessaloniki Boatmen bridge.

The 172-meter bridge, built between 1958 and 1960, is being overhauled since February.

Also in Veles, Gruevski put into function the city stadium now modernized and having the capacity of hosting international games. Furthermore, the PM in Veles inaugurated a newly-built park.