Government kicks off project for construction of supporting facilities on highways

The Government is launching a project for the construction of thirty supporting facilities on highways, main and regional roads across Macedonia.

Government spokesman Aleksandar Gjorgiev told a press conference on Thursday that nine locations have been already determined for the construction of petrol stations, motels and other supporting commercial facilities on the three motorways which are being built in Macedonia. Of those, two facilities will be located on the highway connecting Kicevo and Ohrid in the vicinity of Mislesevo and Smilevo villages, three other will be located between Demir Kapija and Smokvica and four premises are planned to be built on the new highway Skopje-Stip close to Sveti Nikola, Pesirovo and Sopot.

"For these nine locations, the Ministry of Transport and Communications and the remaining relevant institutions have already kicked off procedures paving the way toward preparation of urban and planning documentation," Gjorgiev said adding the procedures were expected to be concluded by year's end or early 2015.

The nine locations will be put up for sale through a public electronic auction.

"By building such facilities, several goals are being fulfilled i.e. improving the quality of transportation and opening new opportunities for the business community and investments set to contribute toward local and economic development," the spokesman concluded.