Macedonian doctors to get training in Prague Motol Univeristy Hospital

Prime Minister Nikola Greuvski visited Thursday the Motol University Hospital in Prague,  the biggest health care institution in the Czech Republic.

Gruevski and the Motol's Director, Martin Holcat, also former Czech health minister, agreed on establishing a cooperation between this hospital and Macedonian health care institutions.

To that effect a memo of cooperation has been signed, under which the two parties will define the spheres of cooperation and the time schedule of exchange of medical staff.

"Soon after the signing of this memo, the Ministry of Health will work on the document's details. We expect for this work to be completed for one-two months. Afterwards a selection of doctors, nurses and other medical personnel that will be trained in the (Motol) University Hospital is to be done," Gruevski said.

The cooperation will be beneficial for both countries, Holcat said.

"We are very interested in cooperating, as it offers opportunity for expanding of our work. We believe to be able to transfer our experiences to you, but also to get familiar with your experiences that may be useful to us. We have agreed on exchange of teams of doctors and assisting medical personnel that is a subject of the memo we have signed today," Holcat said.

The Motol University Hospital is particularly prominent in the sphere of pediatrics, providing highly specialized and professional care to children.