EBRD provides EUR 305 million for railroad, roads

The construction of railroad section Beljakovce-Kriva Palanka in the framework of the Corridor 8 networking with neighboring Bulgaria, is to begin in 8-9 months. The 34km-long section will include two stations, three stands, 14 tunnels, 11 new bridges, 33 reconstructed bridges.

Macedonian institutions and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) signed Friday a loan agreement worth EUR 145 million for the railroad, along with EUR 160 million for construction of three express roads and one motorway.

Vice Premier and Finance Minister Zoran Stavreski said large infrastructure projects would be realized by using the EBRD funds.

"Upon completing the required preparations, we expect the construction works to begin in 8-9 months. We have a good partner in EBRD, which is a guarantee over the project's realization, along with a possibility of securing funds for the third stage. The railroad leading to Bulgaria is becoming a reality after 20-30 years of talking about the project", said Stavreski.

According to him, the railroad is one of the most significant arteries and strategic corridors for Macedonia, enabling additional flow of commodities and passengers en route Italy-Albania-Macedonia-Bulgaria, resulting in shorter and cheaper travel.

Minister of Transport and Communications Mile Janakieski said the agreement for realization of the National Roads Programme would enable the construction of motorway Struga-Trebenista, as well as express roads Gradsko-Prilep, Ohrid-Pestani and Stip-Kocani.

"The construction of these roads will result in improved safety, travel and transport, but also contribute to the economic development of these regions and open new jobs", added Janakieski.