Saudi Fund for Development prepared to support infrastructure projects

In the framework of the visit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski met Sunday with Saudi Fund for Development Vice Chairman and Managing Director, Yousef Bin Ibrahim Al-Bassam, focusing on possibilities for enhancement of economic cooperation, commercial exchange and investments.

The SFD is a state-owned institution aimed at funding projects towards development and enhancement of cooperation.

PM Gruevski said there are opportunities for bilateral cooperation and use of potentials, especially in the economic sector. He briefed managing director Al-Bassam on Macedonia's measures and reforms towards stimulating and maintaining economic growth, attraction of foreign investments and funding of infrastructure projects.

Al-Bassam informed Gruevski on SFD's activities, voicing readiness for cooperation and support of projects in diverse fields.

"The Saudi Fund for Development is the main channel of the Saudi government for assistance of the countries' development. It was established in 1974 and we are active in 80 states. We mainly focus on investments in infrastructure projects, education, health, agriculture, real estate. The PM and his team explained their development plans in numerous spheres, their priorities and projects, as well as the opportunities for support in their realization", stressed Al-Bassam.

He hoped cooperation would develop in the infrastructure sector through use of potentials at disposal.