Stavreski: Reinvested profit will not be taxed
The companies in Macedonia that want to reinvest will still have the opportunity not to pay income tax. Only Macedonia and Estonia introduced this in Europe, which means that the Republic of Macedonia is still a country with most attractive tax system in this field.
This was stated by Deputy PM and Finance Minister Zoran Stavreski answering journalist question regarding companies’ obligation of paying income tax as of January 2015.
Stavreski said that they held talks with business community and agreed that opportunities for postponement of tax payment on this basis from which they were exempted in the past five years due to economic crisis were exhausted.
Regarding the income tax, which is a regulation that entered into force during the crisis and Macedonia was the only country which had such favourable measure for the economy during those five years from 2009 to 2014. Recently we have held talks with the business community and also previously they agreed that all opportunities were exhausted for postponement of this measures that profit which would not be reinvested should be taxed, Stavreski said after signing of agreement for new investment by the US Cap-Con company in Macedonia.