"Straso Pindjur" primary school in Negotino gets new sports hall

Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski and Education Minister Pance Kralev Sunday opened new sports hall in "Straso Pindjur" primary school in Negotino. The facility's investment costs Denar 24 million and is part of project for construction of 145 school sports halls.

Gruevski said that the government continues to invest in the sport, sport facilities and development of young talents that will represent Macedonia in the future.

Underlying that according to conducted research in 2005 and 2006 two thirds of the students have spinal deformities due to lack of physical activities and no sports halls, the government decided to construct 180 sports hall in the country, Gruevski said.

Two projects have been started, one through Ministry of Education and Science and the other is carried out through Agency for Youth and Sports. 35 sports halls, which are constructed by Agency for Youth and Sports, are in the final phase while Education Ministry should construct 145 sports halls, he said.

Education Minister Pance Kralev said that the new sports hall provides conditions for basketball, futsal and volleyball to 787 students in “Straso Pindjur” primary school.