Three studies on social dimension of human trafficking promoted

Minister of Labour and Social Policy Spiro Ristovski promoted Wednesday three studies on the social dimension of human trafficking. The studies are prepared by the Ministry of Labour in cooperation with the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) - Skopje office and with domestic experts on the matter.

The first study refers to international and national poverty policies with an emphasis on trafficking in human beings. The second is entitled "Rating Poverty and Mapping Vulnerable Groups with an Accent on Human Trafficking." The third study is called "National Program and Benefits within the Social Protection System in Macedonia."

"For Macedonia these studies are of great importance because they serve as a roadmap in the combat against human trafficking. They will contribute to improving our activities together with other ministries and with the National Referral Mechanism for the victims of trafficking in human beings," said Ristovski.

Eleven victims of human trafficking were registered in 2011, according to the minister, who said that the number of victims had been dropping.

The studies have revealed that most victims originated from eastern and central Macedonia. Several vulnerable groups are involved, such as poverty-stricken families, victims of family violence, alcohol and drug addicts.