New sports hall put into use in Kumanovo high school

Sports hall in Kumanovo high school "Kiro Burnaz" was put into use on Tuesday, worth EUR 650,000, in the framework of project "145 School Sports Halls" implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science.

The hall, set to be used by pupils and sport clubs, is build in line with energy efficiency standards, including a stand, equipment for different sports, as well as dressing rooms, showers, toilets etc.

"From now on students and athletes will have a modern place to train and recreate. The new sports hall has all the required equipment", said Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski at the opening.

Minister of Education and Science Pance Kralev said 21 halls within the project have been completed, while 33 are in construction. According to him, about 100 halls in elementary and secondary schools would be completed by the end of 2014.

"The project aims at stimulating young people to do sports, which produces a healthy body, but also increased concentration and competitive spirit", added Kralev.