Gruevski: Innovation strategy will make additional progress of competitiveness
Macedonia is again ranked among top countries in Europe according to Forbes list in terms of ease in doing business. This once again shows our good policy and results we achieved in the filed of creating good business climate, which is a serious recommendation for the investors, PM Nikola Gruevski said.
We are before eight EU member states and before all Central and Eastern European countries and 37 spot according to Forbes list is good news for Macedonia, he said.
He said that the country is ranked well according to protection of investments and tax system and not so good according to innovations due to which a Committee on Development Innovative Thinking is formed.
Committee passed strategy which foresees establishment of Innovations Fund which will support companies that will offer innovations in their production and working. The fund will stimulate the companies to be more oriented towards innovations which will improve their production and sale, company’s growth which will result in opening new jobs, Gruevski said.