Gruevski: Mexican companies to reach European, global markets via Macedonia
The business-friendly environment is very important in Macedonia. We want direct communication with investors if they face certain problems, said Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski in the address at Monday's business forum in Mexico City, where the Government delegation presented the country's business environment and investment benefits.
"Mexican companies can first check the experiences of investors already present in Macedonia regarding the benefits and Government's support. Some investors are already building their second capacities in the Macedonian industrial zones", said PM Gruevski.
He expressed hope that Mexican businessmen would find their interest to visit Macedonia, where from they could cover the European, but also the global market by exporting their products.
Businessmen Carlos Slim Jr. welcomed the Macedonian delegation, hoping it would bring Macedonia and Mexico closer.
"I hope your visit will strengthen links between the two countries, their economies and societies", he added.
World Bank representatives referred to Macedonia's achievements, saying the country has made numerous improvements in the fields of starting a business, registration of property and paying taxes.
"The World Bank has also registered additional changes related to aspects of solvency and other areas that will be included in the report, which is to be released in October", they added.