Ireland's support for Macedonia confirmed at Gruevski-Kenny meeting

Macedonian Premier Nikola Gruevski, who is taking part in the EPP congress in Dublin, held Friday a meeting with this Irish counterpart Enda Kenny where the countries' favourable relations were confirmed as well as Ireland's support to the Macedonian EU integration bid.

The favorable Irish-Macedonian diplomatic ties, this year marking the 20th anniversary of their establishment, were affirmed at the meeting. The interlocutors concurred that in spite of the cordial political relations, there is potential to further intensify the business cooperation.

PM Gruevski welcomed the support provided by Ireland for Macedonia in its EU integration process, stressing the significance of its engagement within EU institutions, especially in the European Parliament, toward maintaining the continuity of the Union's enlargement process.

Macedonia's key objective and priority is progress made in the EU integration process, said Gruevski. At the same time, he informed his counterpart on the reforms implemented in Macedonia aimed at improving the citizens' standard, increasing the number of investments and advancing the capacity of institutions.

While discussing several current issues, PM Gruevski informed Kenny about the name row with Greece and sought further support from Ireland for Macedonia's EU membership bid.

Gruevski is participating in the congress of the European People's Party (EPP), held in Dublin, where delegates have elected a candidate for president of the European Commission.

On the sidelines of the summit, PM Gruevski stated that the future European Commission needed to be aware that Macedonia's issue in relation to its accession to the EU was not closed yet.